When we first opened in 2016, smartgyms were unheard of. People were skeptical (rightfully so) that these brief and intense workouts could be so effective.
Here we are 3.5 years later, and thanks to your support, The Wall Street Journal called to write a story about YOUR smartgym, Quantify Fitness. The story made it to the top of their website, a mention on the front page of the paper, and the first page of the Life&Arts section.
They even reached out to one of our most skeptical clients to ask her about her experience:
Ashlee Butler, a Nashville physical therapist, was skeptical of those claims. But her weekly fitness routine, which had served her well throughout her 20s and 30s, was no longer doing the trick. “I was working out 10 to 12 hours a week and struggling to maintain my weight in middle age,” says the 45-year-old mother of two. A little over a year ago, she agreed to a 90-day challenge, limiting her workouts to just 45 minutes a week on Quantify's machines—no more group classes, no more jogging. After three months, she had reduced her body fat by 12% and increased lean muscle mass by 10%, she says. On her first day back at boot camp class, the hill sprints up Nashville's Capitol Hill “were the easiest they've ever been for me,” she says.”
We're incredibly passionate about everyone being able to have access to this kind of evidence-based exercise that works in such a short amount of time, so we've started working on what expansion looks like in Nashville and other parts of the country. We'll be sure to share our progress along the way, so hopefully the next time you have to travel, you can swing by your neighborhood Quantify and get your 10-minute workout in!
Here's a link to the whole story. If you can't read it because of the paywall, we have a paper copy you can check out during your next visit!
By the way, we really don’t want you to leave ASAP like the headline of the article says! 🤣 We love to talk to our clients, but we don’t want them to waste their precious time. Especially when getting the desired results with exercise can be elusive with conventional approaches. Time optimization and results are our specialties!
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